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Luki Cloth Duct Tape – “Silent Warrior” Protecting The Steel Industry

Did you know that each roll of Luki Cloth Duct Tape is a “silent hero”, not only protecting but also increasing the durability and safety of your steel products? The Story of “Adhesive Tape” and the Journey of Product Protection When it comes to Luki Cloth Duct Tape, many people may only think of a […]

Luki Cloth Duct Tape – “Silent Warrior” Protecting The Steel Industry
New, Featured news, Product news, Market news

Perfection Is In The Air With Luki’s PP Strapping Tape

In a competitive market, maintaining the shine and surface quality of steel sheets is not only our duty but also our commitment to you. Keeping the value of the product intact with Luki Vietnam Luki’s PP Strapping Tape is not only a surface protection tool, but also a “keeper” for valuable steel sheets. With the […]

Perfection Is In The Air With Luki’s PP Strapping Tape
New, Featured news, Product news, Market news

Secret Weapon – Double Sided Tape

Did you know? Every little detail can make a difference and Luki double-sided tape is the “secret weapon” that contributes to creating quality products that are equally beautiful.   So what is the extraordinary thing that makes Luki double-sided tape special? Strong adhesion, durable: Ensures that layers of paper and printed materials stick together without […]

Secret Weapon – Double Sided Tape
Featured news, Product news, Market news, Application news

Unveiling The Secret Of Print Preservation Delicacy!

PLATE MOUNTING TAPE – a silent companion, supporting the production and operation of products and printing equipment to become more perfect than ever! PLATE MOUNTING TAPE is the optimal solution to ensure that the print is firmly fixed on the PET plate. This is the perfect solution to help keep the print in a stable state, […]

Unveiling The Secret Of Print Preservation Delicacy!